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  • Cute Ragdoll Kitten Squishy Toy

Cute Ragdoll Kitten Squishy Toy

Regular price $23.99

"Each Kitty Cheer Squishy is lovingly designed by us and hand-painted by our artist, giving it a cute personality all its own!"


"Kitty Cheer Squishies bring out the adorable side in everyonean ideal gift to spread some cuteness to your loved ones!"


"The soft, squishy feel of food-grade silicone makes you just wanna squeeze it!"


"The Kitty Cheer Squishies keep bouncing back, giving you endless fun and relaxation that lasts!"


"Squeeze these little cuties to crush stress and anxiety, while giving your hands a workout and waking up your senses!"


"Each Squishy has its own unique charmcollect them all to brighten up your day and add a little fun to your space!"